Providing Training and Employment Services to Job Seekers Since 1982

In this information session, we SPOTLIGHT and provide helpful details for our COMPUTER SKILLS TRAINING programs covering multiple skill levels, including BEGINNER, INTERMEDIATE, and ADVANCED computer users.

Operation ABLE info session showing on a laptop

Presently, we continue to provide live, online job training instruction, coaching and job specialist services.

Remote Support, Virtual Training, In-Person & Online LIVE-Information Sessions in place for our clients and employer partners.

Remote Ready Team

Program Managers, Job Coaches, Job Developer

Operation ABLE Remote Ready Team

LIVE Virtual Info Session

 Held every other Tuesday morning, 10 AM - 11:30 AM

Operation ABLE info session showing on a laptop

SNAP Outreach Coordinator

Enrollment or qualification questions?

SNAP Outreach Coordinator


Class Enrollment Open Now.

ABLE Job Readiness Computer Skills Training and Coaching

Beginner Basics

Intermediate & Advanced

Intermediate & Advanced

ABLE Beginnings

Basic computer and job search skills
7-week program

Next Class Starts



ABLE Beginnings


Intermediate & Advanced Learn MS Office

12-week program

Next Class Starts



Skills2Work Training at Operation ABLE

Medical Office Training

Train for the healthcare field. 


12-week program

Next Class Starts




Medical Office Training Skills through Operation ABLE

Medical Office Training - Community Healthcare Center

Train for the healthcare field. Instructor-Led
18-week program*

Next Class Starts


Donnelly Medical Office Skills Traing

* This 8 week program is funded by a grant awarded by the State's Workforce Competitiveness Trust Fund, in memory of the late Senator Kenneth Donnelly.


Computer Skills & Job Search Refresher Classes

MS Office, LinkedIn, Resume

Next Classes Start

MS WORD - 4/21/25

MS POWERPOINT - 1/12/25 & 6/2/25

Intro to MS EXCEL - 2/26/25

MS Excel - 3/3/25

Computer Skills Refresher Classes with Operation ABLE

Job Seeker 55 Years Old & Up Looking for Employment

Senior Community Service Employment Program*

Administered by Operation ABLE

SCSEP 55 and older job seeker

Job Search Coaching and Counseling

Resume Writing & Job Search

Available to current and former students





Job Coach and Job Search

Operation ABLE SCSEP is an equal opportunity program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities, Video relay calls are welcome.

JOB SEEKERS 55 & Older, Earn While You Learn. Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP)

Reintroducing FREE IN-PERSON INFO SESSION for Job Seekers 55+ at our BOSTON location

EARN WHILE YOU LEARN! Join us EVERY Friday at 10:00 AM at 98 North Washington Street, Suite 200 in Boston to learn about the many ABLE resources available in the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) for income-eligible job seekers 55 and older from Essex, Middlesex, Norfolk, and Suffolk counties.

Become a SCSEP Host Agency


NEW! Express Grant Program

Incumant Worker Training: Express Grant

Incumbent Worker Training Program

The Express Program provides employers grant-funded training, helping businesses in Massachusetts respond to emerging needs. The Express Program is designed to help businesses respond quickly to change and keep employees engaged.

Become a SCSEP Host Agency

Senior Community Service Employment Program

SCSEP is a federally funded, work-based job training program. We match the skills, experience, and needs of 55 & older participant job seekers with your staffing needs and mission. Through SCSEP, Operation ABLE guides and supports these job trainees toward their Path to Employment.

UpSkill & ReSkill Workforce Training

SBDAP Incumbent Worker Skills Training

Incumbent Worker Training Program

Tailored Computer Skills Courses for Employees include Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access and Outlook and Google Workspace: Docs, Sheets and Slides.

Enrollment Open Now

Support our work

We are a non-profit organization, and your (tax-deductible) contributions support our important work.

Testimonials from Students, Employer Clients and ABLE Staff


Operation Able has been a true partner and resource for KNF&T. The work they do with their students to prepare them to re-enter the workforce, and to network for them is truly a necessity. KNF&T in particular has been the beneficiary of many smart, dedicated and professional employees, and we are thrilled to hear that Operation Able has been able to continue this work through the current health crisis. - Beth Cabrera, Senior Managing Director, KNF&T Staffing Resources.

Operation ABLE’s greatest strength is its steadfast commitment to those who are seeking training and employment through any economic environment. By placing the job seeker first and foremost, Operation ABLE is, and will always be, a resource to those individuals in need of a career assistance as a purpose for its existence as an organization. Operation ABLE is built to help those in challenging circumstances, and takes those challenges as part of its own mission. - Chad Cotter, Director, Talent Acquisition, Boston Medical Center

Without the help of the Operation ABLE’s Medical Office Training program, I’m convinced my job prospects would be dim. Participating in the program has helped me regain my confidence, and makes me feel that I want to set out and try again to be employed. - Irene G. Student, Graduate of ABLE's Medical Office Training Program.

The staff at Boston Asian YES just completed the Microsoft Word, Levels 1,2 & 3 training and it was awesome!  Our brains are exhausted, but so much more brilliant thanks to Paul Piket. He is amazing. We cannot thank him enough. - Boston Asian: Youth Essential Service, UpSkill Employer Training.

Teaching remotely is a new experience for me. As part of yesterday’s class. I had a PowerPoint presentation about HIPAAA, an important subject in a Medical Office Training class. I had recently learned from one of my colleagues that PowerPoint has a Present Online feature (sometimes called Broadcasting). I set it up in PowerPoint – and emailed the link to all of my students. By clicking on the link, they were able to open a web browser and see the presentation. By telephone conferencing I was able to narrate the lesson as I ran the PowerPoint, just as if I were in the classroom. The lecture went well, and feedback was very positive! - Paul Piket, Operation ABLE Program Instructor, Boston, MA

I cannot say enough about the staff and programs at Operation ABLE. I was in a very dark place, but the help and support I received brought me back into the light. - Darneese Carnes, Duck Boat Driver at Boston Duck Tours

I learned the basics and got over my fears of the computer here. The staff here care about their students. - Charles K., Skills2Work Program Graduate

The entire Operation ABLE staff has been working tirelessly since we announced our office closure on March 16th. Our program Instructors have been communicating regularly with their students, both to share plans for continuing with classroom training as well as assist with any constraints. The Program Instructors have also worked closely with our IT and Marketing teams through the last two weekends, researching and evaluating several different remote conferencing platforms. - Mark Gyurina, Chief Program Officer, Operation ABLE, Boston, MA

ABLE graduates are well prepared and motivated. I find that ABLE grads are proud of what they have learned and eager to put their training to work, and open to learning more. - Steven Taranto, Director of Human Resources, Mass General Hospital

Operation ABLE has been a great company to train our employees. Their trainers are experts and have great warmth - receiving high praise from our employees. - Lisa M. Lurie, HR Manager, Berkshire Manufactured Products, Inc., Newburyport MA

Having Trouble Applying for, or Keeping SNAP? OPERATION ABLE CAN HELP! Click here to learn more.