Operation ABLE collaborates with many of the finest Massachusetts businesses, non-profit organizations, and government agencies to serve the needs of job seekers age 45 and up. These organizations provide financial assistance, strategic counsel, and advocacy - all critical to our success

Business Partners

Public and private business organizations generously support our special events and contribute to our annual appeal. They hire our graduates, host interns from our programs; advise students on resumes, networking, interview skills, and job-search techniques; and serve on our Board of Directors and Employer Advisory Committee.

Non-Profit Partners

Non-profit Massachusetts organizations are able to help job seekers in meaningful and sustainable ways. Non-profits can host a participant from the ABLE Senior Community Service Employment Program; provide an internship for a student; and join other non-profits supporting the needs of our target population.

Government Partners

Tuition assistance for many of the students in our training programs is provided by the U.S. Department of Labor, which also provides paid, on-the-job training opportunities through the Senior Community Service Employment Program*. Students are also supported by a variety of other state, local, and federal sources of financial and in-kind support.

*SCSEP is funded by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL). Operation ABLE administers the SCSEP Program in Essex, Middlesex, Norfolk, Suffolk and Worcester counties in Massachusetts and in most of New Hampshire through a DOL national grant and a Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs state grant.

Employer Advisory Committee (EAC)

Our EAC is comprised of Human Resources professionals from Boston’s leading companies. They offer insight into current business practices, software applications used in their industries, and hiring trends taking shape in the workplace. EAC members support ABLE events, collaborate with Operation ABLE about training requirements for their organizations, and counsel students on what employers are looking for in today's business environment.

Employer Advisory Committee (EAC)

Employer Advisory Committee Members Include:

Ace Employment Services, Inc.


Atrius Health

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

Beth Israel Lahey Health

Boston Children's Hospital

Boston Medical Center

Boston University

Bulfinch Temps

Cambridge Savings Bank

Commonwealth of Massachusetts


Department of Revenue

Eastern Bank

Fidelity Talent Source

Fiduciary Trust Company

Griffin Carty Communications

Harvard University

HIRE Partnership

Intercontinental Hotels


Manpower, Inc.



MASS Challenge

Mass General Hospital/Brigham

Mass League of Community Health Centers

Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Museum of Fine Arts

New England Baptist Hospital

Northeastern University

Northland Human Resources

Northland Investment Corporation

Pine Street Inn


Rockland Trust

St. Elizabeth's Hospital

Suffolk National Headquarters

The Hollister Group

Tufts Health Plan

Tufts University

Unitarian Universalist Association


For information about becoming a member of ABLE's Employer Advisory Committee, contact Marian Walsh, President and Chief Executive Officer at mwalsh@operationable.net.