ABLE's SNAP Outreach team is ready to help.
CLAUDINE GUERRIER - SNAP Outreach Coordinator. Best way to contact Claudine: or 617-542-4180 x135
Having Trouble Applying for, or Keeping SNAP*?
OPERATION ABLE CAN HELP! As a SNAP Outreach Partner we can help you complete your SNAP application, interim report and recertification. We can walk you through the application process and work with you to gather and submit required verifications. And, we can assist in maintaining your eligibility status by guiding you through the recertification process.
Meet with Claudine, ABLE's SNAP Outreach Coordinator
We can help close the SNAP gap. Food insecurity takes a significant toll on public health in our communities, and the application process can be grueling. But at Operation ABLE, we understand and believe that no one should have to worry about affording their next meal. Give Claudine a call to learn more about enrollment, 617-542-4180 x135.
Did you know? SNAP recipients are eligible to participate in TRAINING and JOB READINESS programs, FREE of CHARGE!
Attend a FREE INFORMATION SESSION to learn more.
Call Claudine at617-542-4180 x 135
*Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) formerly Food Stamps.