Become a SCSEP Host Agency for Workers 55 and Up


Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP)

The Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) is a federally funded, work-based job training program for job seekers 55 years old and up. Its mission is to help foster economic self-sufficiency through job training and employment for these individuals. Through SCSEP, Operation ABLE guides and supports these job trainees on their Path to Employment by partnering them with a community employer known as a HOST AGENCY, at no cost to the agency. Read on to learn more.

As A Host Agency, You'll Be a Part of Something Great

Operation ABLE matches the skills, experience, and needs of SCSEP participant job seekers with a Host Agency's staffing needs and the organization's mission. Operation ABLE pays the participant to work with you. As a Host Agency, you'd be required to help the participant grow their skills and capabilities that can be used when the participant transitions out of the program into a permanent position.

Through Operation ABLE SCSEP, job seekers can be placed in a wide variety of positions including:

  • Office and Admin Support
  • Maintenance and Custodial
  • Food Preparation
  • Community and Social Services
  • Art, Design, and Media
  • Information Technology
  • Hospitality
  • Education
  • Training
  • Library and others

These positions are training assignments designed to provide 55-year-olds and up with the skills and experience to obtain future employment, but at the same time provide no-cost labor for the local organizations.

Our Goal

As a provider for the U.S. Department of Labor’s Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP), Operation ABLE places qualified workers in subsidized positions at non-profit 501(c)(3) organizations and government agencies.

Through a Host Agency partnership with Operation ABLE’s Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP), nonprofit organizations and government agencies benefit from a qualified workforce that gives them the opportunity to improve services. SCSEP job seekers generally perform a variety of tasks that may not have otherwise been fulfilled due to a funding or workforce talent deficit.

Benefits and Advantages to HOST AGENCY Employers

  • Get matched with a motivated part-time team member for up to 20 hours per week.
  • Address staffing needs at no cost to your agency.
  • Operation ABLE manages all payroll.
  • SCSEP participant job seekers live within your community.
  • Many of our job seeker participants are hired by the employer host agency as permanent employees.

Participant Support and Training

SCSEP job seekers will be paid for training in their own community for up to 20 hours a week, and gain new skills and work experience that lead to permanent, unsubsidized employment. All whilst helping the SCSEP participant foster individual economic self-sufficiency and build confidence.

We'd Love to Hear From You.

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Still have questions? Contact Deborah Delman, SCSEP Program Director, at 617-542-4180 to learn more.

Operation ABLE's 55 and UP (SCSEP) Service Areas in Massachusetts are Essex, Middlesex, Suffolk, and Norfolk Counties, and ALL of New Hampshire.

*Funded by the US Department of Labor as an award of $5,907,536 including a NH Bureau of Economic Affairs sub-grant and $590,530 in non-federal support with $0 state and local government funds.

Operation ABLE is compliant with P.L. 116-94, Division A, Title V 505.

Pictured above right: Meg Barhite (L), with SCSEP Participant Paul Farber (Center) and Boston Money Management Program Manager, David Ross.