Welcome to Operation ABLE’s virtual EXPRESS GRANT information page.

The Express Program provides Massachusetts for-profit and nonprofit employers with grant-funded training, to help businesses respond to emerging workforce needs.

Developing Your Workforce

The Workforce Training Fund Express Program provides companies with simple, expedited access to grant-funded training. Companies with 100 or fewer employees may receive up to $20,000* per year for training at NO COST to them. Eligible larger companies may receive a 50% reimbursement of training costs. At Operation ABLE we offer Software Skills Training (Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Windows 365, Google) that qualifies for the Express Program.

* Workforce Training Fund Program (WTFP) adjusted its grantmaking policies effective 7/1/23.

Let's Walk Through the Process Together!

The process flow map below enables you to access descriptions of the six steps needed to successfully obtain 100%* funding for your employees in critical skill areas, along with links to supporting documents and our course catalog.

PLEASE NOTE: We recommend the use of a PC or a laptop to view and access the links on this map; the functionality of the app and your ability to navigate to key documents will be limited on a mobile device such as an iPhone.


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From the Workforce Training Fund's, (WFTF), Catalog List of Approved Courses found here.
You will be navigated to the WFTF website. Type 'OPERATION ABLE' in the search box, and hit enter. Then make your selection.

Or from Operation ABLE's full course catalog of the WFTF Express Program approved courses offered by Operation ABLE found here.

For your convenience, we have created topic-specific catalogs for each of the subjects offered by Operation ABLE, see below. Click on the respective icon to view each catalog.

MS Word

MS Excel

MS PowerPoint

MS Access

Google Workspace


MS Office 365

Computer Basics



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1. Your organization's Legal Name (and d.b.a. if applicable)
2. Your organization's Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN)
3. Certificate of Good Standing from the Massachusetts Department of Revenue (issued within the last six months)
4. Information from the Express Directory for all courses
5. Current number of Massachusetts employees in your organization (full-time & part-time)
6. Contact info of an individual in your organization authorized to sign a contract to accept a grant
7. Training Start Date for each course (at least 21 days after an application is submitted)
8. This application should take between 15-30 minutes to complete.
9. Please plan to complete the application in one sitting. You will not be able to save and return to the


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This application should take between 15-30 minutes to complete.
Please plan to complete the application in one sitting. You will not be able to save and return to the application once you begin.
The Application link for the Express Grant can be found here.


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Process e-signature to enter agreement for grant.


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Ensure employees attend training as per grant agreement


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You must request reimbursement within 30 days after a course has been completed.
The Workforce Training Fund Express Grant Reimbursement form and instructions are made available to you upon grant award confirmation.

READY? Fill Out the EXPRESS Intake Form Below and We'll Start the Process.

Operation ABLE is 'Express' Ready, So Let's Get Started!

When do you plan to conduct training?(Required)
Which program(s) are you most interested in?(Required)
Please include me on all communications including emails & SMS text messages regarding workforce and career development events.(Required)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

What They're Saying about Operation ABLE's Training

“The instructor is truly AH-mazing! Love her classes.” – from (Metro-west Mass major insurance provider from 3/19/2021 survey)

Our instructional survey feedback from over 150 recent classes averages 4.64 out of 5 stars.

Operation ABLE 5 star skills training

In addition to Grant-funded opportunities for classes, Operation ABLE can provide direct billed customized training for your organization.  Click on the button below to learn more.

Image(s) attribution, Public Domain, and other Copyright notes:
• MS Logo images consist only of simple geometric shapes or text. They do not meet the threshold of originality needed for copyright protection and are therefore in the public domain.
• Microsoft Access, Excel, Office 365, PowerPoint, and Word are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies.
• Google Workspace, formally Google Suite, aka G-Suite, branding, and introduction announced 10/2020.
• Operation ABLE instructs as an Independent QuickBooks Training facility.
• Rendering of the Express Program flow graphic is used and altered with a permission issued by WFTF.

Effective June 30, 2021: the Small Business Direct Access Program, SBDAP, has merged with the Express Program.

Call Steve Zukowski at 617-501-2151 or email SZukowski@operationABLE.net

Not Sure if the EXPRESS GRANT is For Your Organization.

No worries! Operation ABLE also offers tailored Upskill Training Programs customized for your profit or nonprofit organization. Click here to learn more.