Introducing, ABLE’s Older Worker Remote Employment Program

Remote Worker Skills Training

Learn the skills and tips necessary to become a remote employee!

What is Remote Work?

Remote work describes an environment in which employees can work from home or any other location outside their company’s physical office. Previously, working remotely in this way would have been challenging — mainly because of technology and resource constraints. Now, collaboration tools like ZOOM have helped bridge that technology gap, enabling more people to work remotely and collaborate on the go.

Remote Work Opportunities are rapidly increasing!

The way organizations view remote work has come a long way in a relatively short amount of time. Due to the pandemic, both employees and employers have realized that new technologies make remote work easy and productive.

At the same time, The demand from employees of all ages to work from home has surged. Long commutes can be stressful for workers of all ages, so the more you can reduce that source of stress, the more productive you can be. And many Employers have concluded that long-term remote work is an option for their employees and businesses even after the pandemic, opening new Paths for Employment for our job seeker community.


To help address this critical shift in employment practices and prepare our jobseeker community for remote-work-from-home job opportunities, Operation ABLE, in association with Massachusetts’ Executive Office of Elder Affairs, the MassHire Department of Career Services, and UMASS Boston, is piloting a new program designed specifically to enable economically disadvantaged job seekers over the age of 55 succeed in a remote work setting.

THIS FREE 20-WEEK VIRTUAL SKILLS TRAINING OFFERS INSTRUCTOR-LED training in a virtual classroom environment through video conferencing (ZOOM), and covers:

  • Information, resources, and guidance in setting up an effective, comfortable, and secure home office, as well as being provided with the technology and equipment to work remotely.
  • Knowledge and expertise needed to set up, monitor, maintain and troubleshoot their technology.
  • Access to technology and technical support.
  • Choice of subject-matter training in Customer Service/Call Center concepts, QuickBooks/Accounting, or Medical Office Administration.
  • Intensive computer skills instruction with an emphasis on Microsoft Office 2016 applications.
  • Intensive group and individual instruction in the job search skills needed to find, and keep, a full-time job in this job market.
  • A host of wrap-around support services to including case management, career counseling, job referrals, and job placement/job retention services. Assistance in guiding you to training-related employment.

To learn more about the program and determine if you are eligible for the program, contact: Mark Gyurina, Chief Program Officer, Operation ABLE of Greater Boston, [email protected] or visit

Operation ABLE is located at 174 Portland St., 5th FL, Boston MA 02114, Near North Station and TD Garden.



2nd and 3rd CLASS CYCLES to begin Winter and Spring.